Hamlet Pharma AB (publ) (”Hamlet Pharma” eller ”Bolaget”) emitterade under 2021 teckningsoptioner av serie TO 4 B. Varje teckningsoption ger rätt att teckna en (1)…
In a recent evaluation of Hamlet Pharma, the European Commission concluded that Hamlet Pharma’s bladder cancer project has delivered exceptional results with immediate or potential…
The shareholders of Hamlet Pharma AB (publ) (“Hamlet Pharma” or the “Company”), reg. no. 556568-8958, are hereby invited to the extraordinary general meeting on Wednesday,…
Aktieägarna i Hamlet Pharma AB (publ) (”Hamlet Pharma” eller ”Bolaget”), org.nr 556568-8958, kallas härmed till extra bolagsstämma onsdagen den 17 maj 2023 kl. 14:00 i…
The two pharmaceutical companies Hamlet Pharma AB and SelectImmune Pharma AB, listed on the Spotlight Stock Market, intend to merge and create a powerful pharmaceutical…
Opening remarks During the second quarter of the fiscal year, Hamlet Pharma has made significant progress in its clinical trial program for Alpha1H, a drug…
Opening remarks The HAMLET family of drug candidates has remarkable effects and continues to show great promise for the prevention and treatment of cancer. Alpha1H…
Årsredovisningen för Hamlet Pharma AB avseende verksamhetsåret 2021/2022 är nu publicerad och finns tillgänglig i PDF här För mer information, kontakta Catharina Svanborg, Styrelseordförande och grundare av Hamlet…
Read the Q4 report here in PDF Opening remarks The fiscal year 2021/2022 of Hamlet Pharma AB has been very successful and important milestones have…
Hamlet Pharma AB (publ) (”Hamlet Pharma” eller “Bolaget”) meddelar idag utfallet från nyttjandet av teckningsoptionerna av serie TO 3 B, vilka emitterades under 2021. Totalt…