Press Release, Lund May 12, 2020 A patent licensing agreement has been signed between Hamlet Pharma AB and Linnane Pharma AB to secure the development…
Newsletter 2020 – Issue 2; Business Update – Hamlet Pharma receives EU grant for €2.2M Last month, members of the Hamlet Pharma Executive Team travelled…
Newsletter 2020 – Issue 1; Bladder Cancer “Bladder cancer (BC) has the highest lifetime treatment costs per patient (pp) of all cancers, followed by colorectal-,…
Press Release, Lund February 5, 2020 Alpha1H shows significant promise as a new and effective cancer drug with low toxicity in a clinical bladder cancer…
Pressmeddelande, Lund 3 februari, 2020 Hamlet Pharma tillförs 12,95 miljoner SEK genom inlösen av teckningsoptioner utfärdade i samband med den riktade emissionen från den 1…
Press Release, Lund December 18, 2019 Hamlet Pharma is on track with its plans to engage in a clinical trial of Alpha1H for the treatment…
BioWorld. November 6, 2019 By Cormac Sheridan – DUBLIN – Hamlet Pharma AB is about to embark on the next phase in the clinical development…
Aktieägarna i Hamlet Pharma AB, 556568-8958, kallas härmed till årsstämma torsdagen den 21 november 2019 kl. 17.30 i Gamla Börssalen, Malmö Börshus med adress Skeppsbron…
At the end of July 2019, Hamlet Pharma announced the successful completion of the Phase I/II bladder cancer study. We now provide more detailed information…
Hamlet Pharma is proud to announce the successful outcome of the Phase I/II trial, aimed at studying the safety and efficacy of Alpha1H in patients…
The ongoing phase I/II study with 40 patients is due to complete in May/June 2019. The last study patient is expected to undergo scheduled surgery…
The phase I/II study in patients with bladder cancer addresses the safety of our drug candidate Alpha1H and measures biomarkers of efficacy. The protocol is…